How To Start Running – 7 Steps For Success

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I have been helping others experience the total joy that running brings to the table and I can now show you how to start running in 7 easy steps.

When you see those fleet-footed runners that look as though they are effortlessly gliding above the ground just remember each of them was once a beginner.

They all had to learn how to run and develop that ‘natural grace and form’.

We are going to address some key issues including:
-Tracking your Progress
-First Schedule
-Running Gear

Step 1: Motivation

How to start running

Motivation is one of the big keys to becoming a disciplined runner. In fact motivation is essential for anyone that truly wants to learn how to start running.

Whether you are running for weight loss, get in shape or just share the adventure of running with friends and family you can use that same desire as your personal motivation.

Imagine the possibilities that are before you and do not allow negative emotions to complicate this pure and simple joy in life.

Make the decision to run and then keep your mind focused on making your decision a reality. Take the first step now and the rest of your running plan will follow.

Step 2: Focus on your Feet

Not really. I just like the way this sounds, but the idea is still solid. Instead of focusing on your two feet you are really concentrating on how far you can run. You need to maintain this dedication once you make the commitment to become a runner.

The focus is not so much on your feet as it is on your accomplishments. Perhaps you have never run more than 10 yards in your life. This translates to 30 feet of actual running experience and now you can only get better with each and every day of training.

So what if you are only able to run 15 or 20 yards without tiring-that is still 50-100% further than your previous mark. This is what you need to focus on when your feet are pounding the pavement; your progress. An inch really is as good as a foot and a foot is as good as a mile to a beginning runner.

How to begin running is an accomplishment that you should measure in small increments. This allows you time to revel in your achievements as you learn the technique and form that will help you advance further as a true runner.

Step 3: Journal your way to Successful Running

Yep, even though you may have completed school your English teacher was right-writing is important. Now what exactly does writing have to do with any type of running?

Simple. This is the best way of tracking your personal progress with running.

When you keep a running log or journal it will help you stay focused. You will be able to review your achievements from each and every run. After a short period of time this diary of running events becomes one of the best tools for anyone interested in learning how to run.

You will discover that you are eager to compare your running time and distances with those of previous weeks. As you chart your accomplishments you will gain additional motivation and inspiration to keep running.

Step 4: How to Start Running – Beginner Basics

If you are a fledgling runner you may want to begin by running a full-out sprint for 15 seconds. Then shift to a power walk for 3 minutes. Sprint again for 30 seconds and then return to the power walk mode as before.

You can use this for your first 15-20 minute run-walks. Repeat this at least every other day for 1-2 weeks. You will notice a rapid improvement in your endurance for those 30 second sprints.

As soon as you have the stamina you can move to phase 2.

Now you are ready to decrease that power walk to a jog and lower the jogging time to only 2 minutes. Increase your sprinting time to 20-30 seconds. Repeat this mode of run-walks over the next 1-2 weeks. Although you can do this beginner running exercise every other day you will have faster results if you try to run/walk 5 times a week.

Eventually you will be able to jog faster for shorter periods of time with more sprints incorporated. Then you will mix up the pace with longer running distances and by including regular running speeds in your repertoire. These exercises are one of the best ways for a true beginner to discover how to start running.

Step 5: Running Gear

You really should invest in some proper running gear if you are getting serious about the sport. At the very least you must have a decent pair of running shoes so you will be comfortable and enjoy the experience.

Lightweight, loose fitting clothing will serve you best on most runs and jogs. Clothing that fits too tightly is going to be restrictive and will end up creating friction in places where it will definitely be annoying.

Step 6: Eat, Drink and Be Merry

Contrary to popular belief you should not try to starve yourself on a strict oats and grain diet when you are learning how to start running. Leave this kind of dietary approach to farm animals and enjoy a well-rounded diet.

You need the benefits provided by lean protein, healthy, complex carbs and an assortment fresh fruits and vegetables.

Pasta is good for any runner’s training table so enjoy that spaghetti and lasagna without guilt. After all, you are going to hit the track and burn off many of those calories as soon as you finish eating, right?

Just don’t go overboard and try to overload on the carbohydrates, especially if you are only beginning to discover how to start running for the first time.

You should concentrate on drinking water and avoid soft drinks. In fact you can avoid most of the sports drinks unless you have really worked up enough sweat that you need to replace those electrolytes. Water is your best hydration replacement.

Keep the right attitude throughout your running regimen. Do not allow yourself to dwell on any negatives or you will find that you are losing your focus. Imagine how good you will be in another week or another month and keep the image of that ‘finish line’ in your mind.

Step 7: Serious Stretching

Everyone who is interested in beginning a how to start running program should realize that stretching is an essential element. You cannot run before you stretch those hamstrings, calf muscles and glutes. Maybe you think you are way too cool to bother with stretching exercises, but your hot, cramped muscles will soon show you the error of your ways.

Always spend at least 15-20 minutes doing some serious muscle stretching before and after any type of run. Hold those poses for at least 30 seconds and when your stretching routine is completed you can hit the trail with confidence.

Stretching helps relax and rejuvenate the muscles, and these techniques will also help you avoid many unnecessary sports injuries. As an added bonus you will discover that stretching is a good way to tone your body.

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