Running Health Benefits – You Can Count On

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Maybe you are wondering what running health benefits are possible when you really crunch those numbers, facts and figures. If so, then you need to realize that this sport produces a large number of health promoting benefits of which you should be fully aware.

Is there enough personal reward from running to make it worth your while? Can you afford to expend the time and energy required by this sport? Are those running health benefits going to deliver more than the effort that you put into it?

The answer to all of these questions is a resounding and unqualified “Yes!” In fact running can reduce your risk of ever developing such health conditions as diabetes, hypertension, cancer and heart problems.

Running health benefits

Those individuals that you see out there running almost each and every day are deriving some truly amazing health benefits from their activity. Why not consider reaching for a few of these running health benefits and advantages for yourself?

All you really need in order to begin running is motivation. It helps if you have a plan, the right gear and a training program, but at the very start you can enjoy health benefits of running by just putting one foot in front of the other.

You really don’t have to train for a marathon to experience these enormous health benefits. Just get out of your chair and start running!

Benefit 1: Lower Cholesterol

Researchers have documented the positive effect running has in relation to your cholesterol levels. The more miles that a runner logs each month the more likely their HDL is going to increase.

HDL is the good cholesterol that promotes and supports a healthy cardiovascular system.

In addition to improving your HDL levels you will notice that the LDL in your body is being lowered, which is another of the many running health benefits that are yours for the taking.

Benefit 2: Lower Blood Pressure

Among the best running health benefits is the fact that this sport can lower your blood pressure.

In addition to boosting the performance of your cardiovascular system when you run you will also be relieving stress and anxiety.

Since these are two factors that are linked to hypertension you will be receiving multiple health benefits of running at the same time.

Benefit 3: Weight Loss

If you want to drop a few pounds or need to lose more than 50 pounds you will discover that running will give you a tremendous advantage with your dieting efforts.

Aerobic activities such as jogging and long distance running will burn more calories and 70-95% of these calories will be from that excess fat your body has already stored.

Benefit 4: Improved Cardiovascular System

Good for your heart! Great for your Circulation! One of the running health benefits of running that must be considered is the fact that this sport will boost the efficiency and strength of both your heart and vascular system.

Your heart will thank you over time. Runners tend to have lower pulse rates and lower blood pressure than many other individuals. Even if you are genetically predisposed toward certain health conditions the very act of running could help you avoid these potential landmines.

Benefit 5: Better Endurance

There is simply no denying that better endurance is a direct result of running. The more you challenge your body with jogs, runs and marathons the better your body will respond to the physical demands.

You will soon discover that one of the many health benefits of running is a higher level of physical endurance.

Benefit 6: Stronger Muscles

As you run you will find that your muscles are improving each and every day.

Those stretches that you do before and after a run are helping maintain flexibility. You will also be lengthening your muscles when you stretch properly.

The demands of running will produce stronger muscles in your back, glutes and legs.

Most runners are now using weight training in their conditioning programs and these exercises will also help you gain stronger muscles. When it comes to running health benefits almost seem to be too numerous to list.

Benefit 7: Powerful and Efficient Lungs

A runner needs to have strong lungs and as you participate in this sport your respiratory system will begin to improve and become much more efficient.

You will have to practice proper breathing techniques in order to become a better runner and as these breathing techniques become finely honed your respiratory system will respond in a positive manner.

It will take you less oxygen to perform the same activities as many others and this is a direct result of your running activities.

Benefit 8: Improved Posture

The running technique you must master as a dedicated runner you will discover that your posture also improves.

Your back and shoulders will become stronger and straighter once you dedicate yourself to the sport of running.

Benefit 9: Mental Clarity

One of the more surprising, running health benefits is the fact that your mental acuity will be heightened. The improved oxygenation to your body is one reason for this improvement.

Runners also are constantly challenged by the course on which they are running. This means that you will find that you are more alert and able to ‘think’ on your feet.

Some people may find it challenging to walk and chew gum simultaneously but for a real runner it is easy to multi-task.

Benefit 10: Endorphins

The release of natural endorphins is one of the major health benefits of running. Endorphins are chemicals that are manufactured in your brain and they are responsible for that euphoric experience most people refer to as a ‘runner’s high’.

When you flood your body with these endorphins you will elevate that emotional rush of excitement and pleasure to maximum levels.

Endorphins are one of the health benefits that have also been linked to a stronger and more effective immune system.

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