Top 3 General Running Books – What You Don’t Know Could Hurt You

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There are many reasons to pick up general running books and enjoy them on a routine basis. You will grow in your love of the sport and the knowledge you gain will help you become a better runner in every imaginable way.

There are also some things that you might not know right now which could hurt you in the long run. There may be things you are doing which put you at risk for injury. There may be simple things you can do to better prepare for an upcoming race, improve your time, or improve your running form.

General running books can also be motivating and inspiring. Many are written by elite runners who have accomplished great things in the sport. Who better is there to learn from than those who have paved the path before you?

RUN: The Mind-Body Method of Running by Feel

Most people read running books to learn techniques to improve speed, develop effective training plans, and prepare for races of different lengths. What if you focused more on listening to your body and running by how you feel?

This is a new concept to many runners, but it could be the best running tip you ever receive. Rather than just focusing on improving your running skill in certain aspects, why not focus on picking up on signals your body may be sending to improve all aspects of your running skill?

This is what makes RUN one of the best general running books available today. It teaches effective strategies for listening to your body and running by feel. This is something many elite and professional runners are skilled at, and it could help you reach your full potential in the sport as well.

Born to Run

What can the Tarahumara Indians of Mexico teach you about running? After reading Born to Run by Christopher McDougall, you will realize that they could teach you quite a bit about the ability of the human body. Most runners are not pushing themselves to the max, even if they believe they are most of the time.

What do you think you could accomplish in your running career if you knew how to tap into something deep within your soul to push your absolute hardest? Do you really know what your body is capable of doing?

Born to Run is a fascinating account of how these Indians run hundreds of miles without any injuries. They are considered “superathletes” and all runners have something to learn from them. This is one of the best general running books because it will give you the drive to dig deeper and not let yourself off the hook with simple excuses.

What I Talk about When I Talk about Running

How does running affect the creative arts? If you are a writer, painter, photographer, or generally artistic person, you may consider this the most interesting of all general running books. It explores how running affects the creative mind, specifically the writer’s mind.

A successful writer and runner decided to write this book while training for a marathon. What resulted is an inspiring look at how running a marathon actually helped with their writing pursuits. A successful book and a completed marathon; that is a lot of accomplishment to come all at once! You may want to pick this book up if you are into any form of creative arts, since there is a connection between physical exertion and mental exertion.

These are just three of the most inspiring general running books available today. If you look around you will find many more being offered through Amazon.

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